South Africa has a positive business environment, with low political and security risk, says London-based consultancy Control Risks Group. It praises government policy and business governance, saying South Africa is setting the trend for Africa.

A recent survey of 252 foreign businesses operating in South Africa reflects a growing confidence in its economy. Global companies with a presence there cite its numerous advantages from low labour costs to excellent infrastructure and many use it as a base for exporting products internationally.

South African businesses are also thriving. Local corporate giants have announced multi-billion rand investments in the country. SABMiller is the latest to commit to an expansive investment plan, involving R5bn ($865m) in the next five years. The government is to invest a massive R121bn in the energy and transport infrastructure during that time.

There are almost no restrictions on the form or extent of foreign investment, and incentives include preferential tax treatment as well as those targeting small and medium enterprises, strategic industrial projects and exporters. Trade and Investment SA has identified a number of economic sectors – including agroprocessing, automotive, chemicals, finance, fishing, food and beverages, IT and electronics, mining, property, tourism and telecoms – as being ripe for investment.

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